Metallica - ...And Justice For All

The third album from the classic thrash metal band Metallica, enititled "...And Justice For All", many say that this as well as their first two albums are the best this band has to offer, and they've only gotten worse after the death of Cliff Burton. It's somewhat interesting but as I've been giving this cd a chance, I think I've come to the same conclusion. This band just had more heart and soul and just made better music in the beginning. As an album this one really hits the spot, it's got lengthy tunes that keep you rocking, and tunes that just seem to work. Metallica somehow was able to make music out of a incredibly hard genre to please people in thrash metal. "Blackened" the titles first track gives you an introduction into the world of Metallica with it's heavier riffs, whereas when you lead into the second song and title track of the album "...And Justice For All" you are lead through as sweet a sounding song as you can imagine from Metal. It almost reminds me of a heavier version of Led Zeppelin's song "Over The Hills and Far Away." It is also a musical journey of sorts as it's Metallica's third longest song at 9:43 minutes. When you finally get to the third track "Eye of the Beholder" they seem to give you another melodious tune but also remind you that this is a Metal album. Then when you've gone through that, they give you the most beautifully crafted song of the album entitled "One", their version of a rock ballad and one of their most famous songs of the period.
Only boasting nine songs but with the interesting twist that not a single song is less then 5 minutes 10 seconds, Metallica brings you an album which capsulates what Thrash Metal can accomplish and which very few bands have been able to recreate past their time. So far I have to say that this is Metallica's best album that I've listened to and must give it 4 out of 4 stars. If you find that you occasionally like a metal song here or there, you'll like this album. I still would not recommend it however to someone who just does not find any appeal in hard music.
I'm a little surprised given the rabid fanbase that nobody has seen this posting and informed you that this album is NOT Metallica's third but their fourth album. And "Kill'Em All" is far from some obscure EP or singles compilation!
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