No Use For A Name -- More Betterness!

Punk is a musical genre that I've never really been able to get behind. It's never really caught my attention like many others, however, even in genres I'm not particularly a fan of, there are often two or three exceptions inside the genre, this album is one of those exceptions. I could listen to this entire album over and over, and I do. Most people call this particular band a melodic punk band which is probably why I like it so much, they have good melodies that I can get behind. Add to that some words that are singable as well. This is one of those cds that make me remember that each genre has hope even if it isn't all that good. if it's any indication of my play count on iTunes, this album has an average of 10 plays per song. Which is quite good for an entire album.
If you don't like Punk music but have always sort of wanted to, try this cd out. When it comes to Punk I really don't know how to make recommendations because it's a genre that just has alluded me, I can't pick people out of a lineup and say whether they like punk or not. This isn't my favorite punk album, but I would put it in my top 5. Give it a try. 4 out of 4 stars.
Does No Doubt count as punk? Because their "Tragic Kingdom" CD was definitely a hit.
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