Rusted Root -- When I Woke

Rusted Root is often lumped in the jam band catergory but that's not really who they are, they're more like Guster with their use of acoustics and african style percussion. They really embrace african styled music into their music. When this band goes for more upbeat songs they excel, where as their slower songs aren't as good. Their use of woodwinds in a rock band is also very good. This cd is their most commercial album as it has their most famouse song and very good song Ecstasy. One of the best moments of this cd is the 3 minute drum intro track that goes into the song Ecstasy, very good stuff. I forgot how much I liked this album until listening to it again.
If you like upbeat songs with african influences and lots of percussion then you'll like Rusted Root, I am highly recommending this album to anyone as I think most people would like it. Especially if you like Guster, then you'll like Rusted Root, as they're very similar in styles. Though their slower songs aren't as good as their more upbeat ones they're still decent and few and far in between. This is a very good cd, very upbeat and even danceable. 4 out of 4 stars.
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