Less Than Jake -- Hello Rockview
Less Than Jake is a ska/punk band. This is their 5th album. I got this cd from a friend and don't have much ska so it's a bit of weird cd for me to have. You know, there's something about ska that just doesn't appeal to me at all. They're alwasy very similar, very fast repeating chords of a guitar with horns playing back up notes. Its a genre that feels so limited. I haven't yet found a band that has been able to take the genre and do something that other bands haven't done before. Though most of the songs on this album were all toe tapping songs, none of them were really memorable. the other thing that bugs me is the fact that it's all under three minutes. There are 14 tracks on this cd, the longest of which is 3:31. Only four of the tracks surpass the 3 minute mark. For the genre though, this is one of the better cds I've heard.
I'm not really going to give this one as a recommendation, unless you really like ska. 1.5 out of 4 stars.
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