Soul Coughing -- El Oso

The third and final album from one of my favorite bands from high school Soul Coughing is called "El Oso". Though I really liked these guys in high school, my enjoyment of them has greatly diminished in the past couple years. I still like certain songs such as my favorite song on the album called Blame, and though M. Doughty is about the hardest person to understand, I still like his incoherent ramblings on this song. However in most of the other songs it just becomes asinine. When I say I liked these guys in high school, it's funny listening to this cd, because I only really liked 2 or 3 songs at best. The first album of theirs is the best, which can also probably be attributed to the inner tension in the band at the time this album was made, they had basically decided to break up before the album had been completed but still wanted to finish it. So the cd is probably the worst out of the three, but it still has a couple of songs that I'm sure I'll continue to listen to until the day I die.
I'm only recommending this to those that really like Soul Coughing, if you want to try them out, go with Ruby Vroom. Still I do like it a bit, and so 2 out of 4 stars seems reasonable to me.
The three songs on this cd that I like are much better than anything else produced by Soul Coughing. That said, the other cds have much more to offer as a whole.
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