Flogging Molly -- "Drunken Lullabies"

If you haven't heard of Flogging Molly you might want to check them out. For those that don't know the kind of music they play, they're a seven piece Irish-American Celtic Punk Band. Imagine Irish drinking songs combined with Punk music and you have Flogging Molly. Drunken Lullabies is the first album of theirs I heard, and it's their second studio album. The first song is a great way to kcik off the cd, just pure unadulterated awesomeness. They showcase everything in this song, being as it's the title track "Drunken Lullabies". After that they give a lot of good singles.
I'm really bad at preidcting a Flogging Molly fan, and thus, I don't quite know who to recommend it to, it'll have to be on a person to person basis. Overall this cd is quite good, but it fails to keep my attention for too long. I like all of the songs when I hear them randomly, but due to the very similar sounding nature of all the songs it fails to keep me hooked through an entire album. Though I do like just about every song on the album. So because of these factors it still gets a high rating but not too high. 3 out of 4 stars.
I love this album. The title track makes good yo-yo music, too.
I think Swagger is their best album of the three I have.
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