Ween -- The Mollusk

Imagine They Might Be Giants and Frank Zappa had a child tripping on acid and you'd have Ween. Ween's music is hard to pinpoint as it's all over the spectrum. Ween does just about every genre of music with an air of psychoticness. This particular album is among my favorites and is the most listener friendly. The Mollusk is Ween's concept album as most of the songs are nautical in nature. But overall most of the album was inspired by multiple acid trips that the band had while on the beach. Most of the songs are between 2 and 4 minutes and are very poppy. If you haven't heard Ween then this would be the one to start with.
Ween is definatly an aquired taste. I didn't like them that much when I first heard them, but now I can't get enough of them. Because of the fact that I can never expect something out of their new cds I always am brought in a different direction. I'd recommend finding someone with one of their cds and borrowing it before you buy. But because I love this cd so much I have to give it a definate 4 out of 4 stars.
By far the best Ween album - and I like all of the Ween albums. A lot.
Ween ranked:
1 - The Mollusk
2 - Pure Guava
3 - 12 Golden Country Greats
4 - "Shinola" vol. 1
5 - Quebec
6 - Chocolate and Cheese
7 - White Pepper
8 - God Ween Satan: The Oneness
9 - The Pod
10 - Paintin' the Town Brown
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