311 -- "311"

311 is pretty much the first rap rock band to come around. From Omaha Nebraska these guys use both rock and rap as well as variations of raggae and punk. This cd is actually my first rock album I ever personally purchased. And interestingly enough it's my runner up for least favorite 311 album. I felt like I needed to actually give a bad review and this one is a good one. I actually really like 311 overall, and they're in the running for the band that I own the most albums of as I own 7 of their 8 albums. I'll also probably give some really good reviews for the others (I know at least one of them will be getting a 4 out of 4), but not this one. All this cd really has is two hit singles. "Down" and "All Mixed Up", now granted, both of these songs are pretty decent songs, and they were the songs that got me into the band as well as for many of 311's fans. But two songs can not save a crappy album. When I first got the cd I would listen to about the first four tracks and then I'd be done as really that's the climax of the cd. Still to this day it still doesn't impress me much. The album feels like they were sort of in a lull after making two really good debut albums and just happened to get lucky on the two singles. The cd really gets dumb when the song "Guns Are For Pussies" comes up. It just feels like an 8th grader trying to be a liberal even though he doesn't really know what that is.
Overall I'm definatly not a fan of this album though a fan of the band. I do not recommend this album to anyone, besides of course hardcore 311 fans. If you love 311, you'll probably like this album. So overall because it really only has 2 good songs, I'm giving this one 1.5 out of 4 stars.
I love this album, as it got me into 311 (and was also the first rock cd I ever bought). However, I never realized how little I play the album now, until I read your review. I always assumed it was because I was sick of the song "Down," which I am. This is not because I dislike the song, but because I have heard it probably more than any other song I own, due to this being the only cd I owned for awhile, and playing lots of video games where I had this disc on constant repeat. However, I would still rate this album a 3 out of 4 stars, as it is obviously very good.
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