moe. -- "Dither"

moe. Another Jam band, but this one is more funky then the others. This cd in particular is much more mellow then the other albums they've put out, which is nice. I really like the song "Tambourine" as it combines early 40s sounds with the sounds of today. The problem with this cd however is it's not really all that memorable. When I get songs on random I don't remember what it's from. And I always forget about this cd. It's very nice and mellow, but it doesn't make much of an impression. You listen to it, think, oh this is nice and then forget about it. It has a lot of songs though that are very universal and easily anyone could get into such as, "Faker", "New York City", and "In a Big Country". All of the songs on this album were in their rotation for a year or two before they put it on an album.
I see a lot of potential in this cd for me to listen to it again and again, if only I could remember it. It's got some great singles and I think that's it's draw. I'd recoemmend it to just about anyone if you wanna give it a try, I think it's quite universal that just about anyone could get into some of the songs on the album. So as such I'm going to give this one 3 out of 4 stars, as it is quite good, but not really lasting.
Some very great select tracks, but, overall, the cd is a disappointment - probably just because I love Moe. live so much, though.
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