Panic! At The Disco -- A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
I tend to really like debut albums, one because it's a new type of music and two because it's when the band seems to be trying as hard as they can to make really good music. Both of these are the case for this band. Though this band seems to take things from other bands they definatly have their own sound, I didn't really get into them until I had gotten the song "I Constantly Thank God For Esteban" on random, which continues to be my favorite song on the album. The thing that impresses me about this album is it has an air for being about the singles yet surprisingly the album melds well together, especially due to the fact that they have an intermission that actually does it's job. The first 7 tracks feature futuristic instruments such as accordians and drum machines and then tracks 9 through 13 use more traditional instruments such as accordians, pianos and strings. With track 8 being the intermission. Though they are able to impress me with their usage of instrumentation, they're also able to hook me with the lyrics which many bands fail at when it comes to me. I do like the second half a little more then the first half but overall I think this is a very good debut album, and I'm interested to see what else this band has in them.
If you don't like newer music, I wouldn't recommend this band to you. If you are enjoying how music is currently evolving, then try this band out, it won't dissappoint. I'm gonna give this one 4 out of 4 stars, very good debut.
Panic! at the Disco is coming in November or something ... we should probably go to that show.
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