Weezer -- The Green Album

Weezer is a tough band for me to swallow, originally liking them a little bit back in high school, I have since not been able to keep up with most of their stuff. Due to my need to have music that will take twists and turns and Weezer is very stable in their own brand of music that it doesn't quite sit well with me. There are exceptions even with this band, but this album doesn't fit in that catergory. The thing that irritates me about this album is how much they embrace their staying in one genre, as they have ten songs, all fit around 3 minutes and clock the album in at around 30 minutes, hardly worth calling it a full album as I know of EPs that are that long. The one song I feel that sort of makes its mark on the album and saves it from totally mediocrity is the song "Hash Pipe", though it has the same cord progression through the song, it does have a little bit of an edge to it that makes it a little different. Now I know there will be a lot of disagreements but let me put this forth, I liked the first album, then the second album blew me away so I figured a third album would be even better, but it feels like they decided that normalcy was good enough for them. Sure there are some catchy pop songs, but who now a days can't make a catchy pop song.
I'm just not a big fan of this album, I don't hate it as much as it seems, it just doesn't do anything for me, but because of this I also just don't like listening to it in leisure, I've taken them off my iPod so that people won't choose it as I don't really want to listen to it. I'm not going to recommend this to anyone but if you do like the kind of music I would recommend checking out Pinkerton. As this has basically one saving grace this one is getting 1 out of 4 stars.
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