Led Zeppelin -- IV

Many consider this band to be the greatest rock band of all time. I personally wouldn't go that far but they're definatly up there. I've definatly had my Led Zeppelin moments and I do own quite a number of their cds. Overall I really do like this band, and this cd showcases some of their best stuff including the greatest rock song of all time "Stairway To Heaven". If you want to get into Led Zeppelin this is probably the best starting point, with great lengthy rock songs and mellow soothing ballads this one is sure to please. My favorite song on the album is actually "The Battle Of Evermore", it is a nice melodious ballad that makes you feel good as you listen.
If you like rock you'll probably like this cd. Usually I don't tell people to buy albums without listening but I think anyone can safely buy this one and not be dissappointed. Though this isn't my favorite Led Zeppelin album it is in the top 3 and it deserves four stars.
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