311 - Music

This is the first time on this site that I've done a band twice, as I've already done 311's self titled album. Music is 311's first album that was done to a wide release, it didn't garner the same attention that their other albums did, mostly due to it being their first album. Though I didn't give a very good review of the self titled album, I am a big fan of 311 and here is one of the reasons why. This album is actually my second favorite album by the band and it has a raw energy to it that a good opening album should. It has a lot of variety to it, and excels in each of the styles they try out. It also has one single that recieved generous air play called "Do You Right". When i first got the album I never really listened to it, but after listening to the live album and getting to know the songs on there, finding a bunch of them on this one and enjoying them I ended up really getting into this one. It has catchy hooks in actual good songs and good lyrics taboot.
Overall I'm a big fan of this album, but would only recommend it to those that already like 311, it's not a good starting album. Actually, 311 is the kind of band where you either like them or don't. I don't often give people 311 as I assume they've already heard them and would be or not be a fan already. But if you haven't heard of them, give them a try, I can give some good recommendations to see if you would. Now if you do know the band, see if you can guess which album is my favorite as this one is my second favorite. Though it's my second favorite it's still a good 4 out of 4 stars. Very good album.
My guess: Grassroots is your favorite.
This is my favorite 311 disc.
My order:
1 - Music
2 - Grassroots
3 - Live
4 - 311
5 - Transistor
6 - Oh, look at that, I stopped buying 311 albums because Transistor was that bad ... However, 1-4 remain great albums.
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