Of Montreal -- The Bedside Drama A Petite Tragedy

Of Montreal, another one of those crazy bands from Athens Gerogia. This is one of the only two albums done by the original two members of the band. Through out the years it's mostly been the lead singer David Barnes. This is the band's second album. They're called Of Montreal because of David's ex girlfriend being from Montreal. Overall this seems to be an interesting album, very melodic and yet childish in nature. There are some really catchy songs, but also some songs that just don't seem to fit well. It's a very uneven album, lots of good and lots of bad. For instance, "Cutie Pie" seems like it should be a really good song, but it just feels off, never really hooking you. Where as "One Of A Very Few Kind" gets you right at the beginning and doesn't let go until it ends. The album is very lyric heavy, however they keep accompanying it with minor chords and weird tunes that just distract from the words. But sometimes the cd does shine, like the song, "Just recently Lost Something Of Improtance". Also the ending is very good, which is called "It's Easy To Sleep When You're Dead".
Overall, just not an album that works with me, it's got a couple of good singles but it just doesnt mesh well for me. I'd say only get this one if you're really bg into Of Montreal, even then I really like their newest cd, but didn't like this one as much. This one gets 2 out of 4 stars.
I didn't know they were from Athens. What a crazy place.
David Barnes is the Artist that creates Of Montreal's covers. He is the brother to the lead singer of Of Montreal: Kevin Barnes. You've got it mixed a little.
Also, the value i see in this is that it shows how Of Montreal has evolved. Lots of essences of this seem like a primal version of what they're making today. Also it is definitely not as good as what they have today, it helped make them who they are. I liked this CD, only because of what i've heard from O.M. today. They make some pretttyyy ugly sounds in this, and weren't afraid of it. If i heard this first i would hate the band, but hearing it after, I love. 2 stars sounds accurate, but not because the songs 'aren't catchy'. But because this was back when they were crap.
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