Radiohead -- Hail To The Theif

This is Radiohead's 6th album and is often viewed as the tie in cd, the cd which fuses the rock of early Radiohead with the electronic of later Radiohead. I am personally a bigger fan of the early Radiohead, but I do like the later stuff as well. In fact they're one of my top ten favorite bands/groups of all time. This cd is my favorite of the later 3 albums. I especially like the songs "2+2=5", "Backdrifts" and "Go To Sleep". Thinking also about this cd, I think this one is about their most started friendly, like if you haven't listened to their stuff before, i think this one would be a good one to start on. The end of the cd ends really well as well with "A Wolf At The Door". Overall I just find it to be a good cd and one of the best for the double zeros. I really like Thom, he's got such a good voice.
Anyways, I think this is a good cd to start on with Radiohead, and it's definatly in my top 3, it might even be my second favorite. Plus it's the longest which is a plus. 4 out of 4 stars.
Longest a plus? Damn son, most albums wear out their welcome at about 30-40 minutes (thought that may be the punk rocker in me talking). There are exceptions of course, Blonde on Blonde etc. etc.
As for Radiohead, Kid A is amazing, but their early stuff doesn't do it for me. Never could get into the Bends. I used to know a chick who was mad about Radiohead, she even had a Radiohead tattoo.
agh, definitely, not definately
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