Smashing Pumpkins -- Siamese Dream

If you haven't heard of the Smashing Pumpkins then you didn't listen to music in the 90s. This album is their second album and as Corgan the lead singer puts it, if this album hadn't been a success then The Pumpkins would have broken up. I never picked up an album by the Pumpkins until just only recently. In fact in a funny story my MTC companion once told me that he had his first kiss at a Smashing Pumpkins concert because the girl with him knew that they were his favorite band. Listening through this album, I actually recognize a good three or four songs from radio play. You know, I always told all through out middle school and high school that this album was amazing, but I just brushed it off and didn't think anything of it. But now that I've actually listened to it, I can see what they were talking about. If you want a good 90s album this is an awesome one. My favorite song is probably the last one, "Luna, which was a very nice ending to the cd. This cd flows really well and was really well done overall.
If you like 90s alternative you should pick up this album. I hadn't listened to it all the way through until today but I really like it. 4 out of 4 stars.
Smashing Pumpkins are incredible. I wish I owned more of their albums.
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