Modest Mouse -- "The Moon and Antarctica"

Modest Mouse is a very interesting band, you've probably heard of them as they've had a big radio hit with the song "Float On". This particular cd came about 3 years before that song came out. I really like this album, it's got some great songs, both soothing and exciting. So far it's my favorite Modest Mouse album. When thinking of songs to write down for exceptional I can think of almost every song for ones to write about. So the only one I will write about is my personal favorite, "Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes", which has a really good base line to loud screaming weirdity that is so incredibly unique. Ending the cd with the song "What People Are Made Of" gives it a punk sounding sign off which really helps out the album as a whole.
The people that I won't recommend this to are those that don't like swearing in their music, this cd is laden with swearing and so if you don't like it, find a different cd. A couple of the songs don't have swearing but most of the good ones do. Modest Mouse is also a band in which it's hard to find who likes them and who doesn't, they have a very distinctive sound. I'm not even sure myself if I'm a big fan of Modest Mouse as this is the only album so far that I've really gotten into. But what a good one it is. This is a definate 4 star album. 4 out of 4. Good work.
I like "The Lonesome Crowded West" the best :D
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