Ben Folds Five -- "Whatever and Ever Amen"

This by far and wide my favorite of Ben Folds Five's albums. It was my first introduction to Ben Folds Five, and it still blows me away how good it is. If you still haven't heard any Ben Folds Five, get out from under a rock and listen to some, as it is really quite good. It's a 3 piece band with Ben Folds on the Piano, Robert Sledge on the Bass and Darren Jessee on the drums. I originally found out about the band after hearing the song Battle of Who Could Care Less. A good fusing of rock with jazz and as Folds likes to say, their music is, "punk rock for sissies". This album in my opinion showcases all of the things this great band could do in their prime. Folds comes out with some kickin' piano solos such as in "One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces", and "Steven's Last Night In Town", but he is also able to give us some really good mellow songs that take you on journeys such as "Smoke" and "Selfless, Cold and Composed". He also gives the anthem for those that have been dumped in, "Song For The Dumped."
If you haven't listened to this album in it's entirety yet, go out and find a copy and listen to it. It won't dissappoint. 4 out of 4 stars.
Definitely one of the best albums I own ... and I own plenty of albums. Every track is great in its own right.
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