Evanescence -- Fallen

The first major studio album but not first album by the band Evanescence is called Fallen. This album apparently has gone platinum (x6). Listening to it this time is the first time I've listened to the cd. So far from what I've heard, besides the song "My Immortal", if you traded their woman singer for a male singer you'd have Linkin Park's Meteora cd. The music is very similar, as is the genre as a whole. That said, I do enjoy the album. Not as much as Meteora, but more then Linkin Park's other cd Hybrid Theory. I really liked the song "My Last Breath" but for a different reason then anyone else, and I can't say why, let's just say it reminded me of something nerdy and happy. This album ends well with the song "Whisper".
This is a pretty good album and actually impressed me more then I thought it would, however with that said, it feels a bit over the top at times and really just not my kind of stuff all the time. I'm going to give this one 3 out of 4 stars, I'll listen to their next cd as well and give it a try.
I love Evanescence's popular songs, and that's about it. I don't think they'll have many more hits.
why is it so melodramatic, and why does it bother me?
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