Smash Mouth -- Astro Lounge

This is Smash Mouth's second album and most critically and commercially successful album. Mainly for such hits as "All Star", "Then The Morning Comes" and "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby". This album has some catchy tunes, but besides that once you've listened to it once or twice, you're pretty much done. Some of the songs are pretty good and catchy, and it's a little nostalgic listening to them again, but other then that there's not too much substance to this album. If you want poppy catchy tunes, then by all means, get this one. But it doesn't do too much for me. Even when i first bought it I didn't really care for it much.
If you like poppy music, this one is for you, if not don't bother, unless you find it for free or something. Because of it still having a catchy tune here and there it gets bumped up to 1 out of 4 stars.
Smash Mouth ... One of the many mistakes of my youth.
Hey, i think they're pretty good for an ultra pop ska-esque band. I mean, i've heard there stuff, its good stuff. I dont necesarily like it, but if i was someone who did like pop alternative rock of the nineties, i would definitely have this.
a tip on your reviews:
I like how you're writing all these album reviews, but really, dont write reviews of music you know you're not going to like anyways.
Thats like me writing a review website of "EMO MUSIK!" and being like "Well, as you guessed, this album completely stunk". I mean, a fan of emo music, do they really want to read YUR MUSIK IS FOR TARDZ. Take your personal opinions out of it when you review, and just write about the music. And rate it on how good the music is. Not how much you like..
(I write this having read the Weezer review just before by the way)
Just a tip. Thanks.
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