I've really tried giving this album a chance. Two people in whom I respect their opinions in music have told me time and time again that this is an amazing album. Now I do admit that I love the title and the song that shares the title. Also the opening song Fight Test I like, but the rest of the album isn't so much that I don't like it, it's just that it feels like they're not really doing anything. The feel of the album confuses me. Because at first it's more powerful while still having the airy tone. The first four songs really create this powerful mood that completely dies through the last 7 songs. The rest of the album is too light for me. The good thing is, though I find the last 7 tracks boring, at least I don't hate it. I could put this in if I wanted something for background ambiance but not so if I were to play the first four tracks. Still I love the song Yoshimi, very enjoyable tune which I can play over and over again, but not too much else which I'll go back to again and again.
I can see where indie fans can go right with this album. It's light and airy which seems to be where most indie fans like going, but for me that's just become boring.
1.5/4 stars
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