Chevelle -- Wonder What's Next

This is the second album from the band Chevelle, a Grunge/Hard Rock Band that is often put in the same group as Tool. This type of a genre seems like a very hard genre to do well. There are som ebands that really have a hold over it and know how to make some impressive stuff. However, because it's such a hard genre there are a lot of bands that really aren't any good, especially most of the newer bands that put out 2-3 cds. Chevelle seems to me like one of these bands. Now before any of you hardcore hard rock fans start disagreeing with me, I do like my fair share of hard rock, but as someone who just can't bring myself to immerse myself into the culture so that there is no return, I can't give this genre the benefit of the doubt. Especiallyt when there are bands like Chevelle trying to make music. A band which seems like the Oasis of Hard Rock due to it's 2 brothers and ever changing other members of the band. Also when a band like this decides to make a lighter song so that it can become a hit, that is one thing that I dislike the most about rock bands like this.
I couldn't find anything I liked on this album. If anyone has any good thoughts on the album I am sorta curious, but overall, I don't like this album at all. But I will give them a .5 for effort cause I doubt I'll ever give zero out of four stars, and as a note on that, I'd never seen Rolling Stone give a zero rating until they rated K-Fed's new album. Anyways, .5 out of 4 stars.