On this the fourth album by The Prodigy, it took them seven years form their commercially successful Fat Of The Land before they released this one, and if it was this bad, they should have waited another seven. This album is a poor job at creating anything musical. Only two songs bring it out of that lack luster, and both are because they brought on other people to help. The first is the song "Get Up Get Off" with master of the mic Twista. He lends his vocals to a decent track which could have been made better by anyone else, but his vocals are on point and it makes me want to check out his own stuff. His fast rap is very intoxicating. The best song on the album is the pulse pounding "Hotride" with lyrics done by female vocalist (Name needed). The song is amazingly danceable and makes me wish the song was on a different album by someone different so that there would be more songs like it, unfortunately all there is, is early 90s feeling techno with little to no soul behind them. Just a couple of beats here and there looped and layered about four times. Nothing special, each of these songs sound like the rejects that an amatuer would throw away before getting to something more meaty. If this album is any indication on where they should take their music, it's towards being in the back for other stars to come in and do tracks with them.
Hotride is worth checking out, but other then that, the whole album isn't any good. Not recommended for anyone. 1 out of 4 stars.
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