When I first got this album I didn't like most of it, but for some reason every time I gave this album I liked a new song on the album until one day I found I liked most of the album. There isn't a song on this album I dislike but there are definitely and order to how much I like each song in comparison to the others. Like my favorite songs which are among my favorites by 311 include "Large In The Margin", "Evolution" and "Livin' and Rockin'". Whereas my least favorite is "Eons". This album is a really good mix of 311's songs and it comes at a time in which I think they reached their peak of musical expression. They've grown up in this album but still feel young enough to rock.
This has the best mix of chill and rocking 311 songs of their albums so far. If you like or want to try 311 this one would be a good one to check out. 311 has a distinctive sound though so either you'll like them or not. As for me, I tend to like 311.
4 out of 4 stars
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