Daft Punk -- Human After All

This is the third album from the electronic duo out of Paris, Daft Punk. This album clocks in at just about 45 minutes and apparently took the duo only 6 weeks to make, which is much less then their other two albums. These guys are known for their pulsing bass lines and this is no exception to that rule. In all this album feels like a constant headache. This album really does feel like they made it in 6 weeks, it feels rushed, forced and just not all that good. The only shining ray of hope that this album has to offer is the funky tune "Technologic" which has a robot singing cool words done seemly randomly. Every other song either gave me a headache from how pulsing and repeating it was or was just plain boring.
This album has much the same feel as their first album Homework, and if you liked that one, you may like this one. Also if you like pulsing bass electronica, you'd like this one. If not steer clear. This album isn't worth it. If you want to try this band out, pick out their second album Discovery, it's much better. 1 out of 4 stars.