SMK for short, this 6 piece Bit Pop group from Sweden is an amazing mix of the sounds we loved as a kid with rockin' good tunes. I recently discovered this group and listened to this their 3rd studio album. I must say I am enthralled with this group. Watching them on youtube you can really see what goes into making each of these songs, and there is a lot to it. They all know their role and they fit so well together. This album has some really fun upbeat tunes and that's when this group is at their best. They do a couple of slower things and that's when their music starts to get weak. But overall these guys know how to take the sounds from nintendo games and make them into pure danceable hits.
If you liked nintendo music, and you like upbeat sounds, you'll love this group. I have fallen in love with them in the short time I've listened to them, though a lot of their best stuff isn't on this album, but there is still some really good sons on this one like the really nice "Malmo Beach Night Party". If you want to hear their sounds go to youtube and type in "His Morning Promenade"
3.5/4 stars.